‘Interest Only’ Rule of Thumb In most cases we refer to ‘interest only’ as a rule of thumb. It depends on the council, it depends on how much rates you pay. It depends on whether it is a high security area, whether it floods, how much...

‘Principle and interest’ or ‘interest only’? When doing investment properties as a general rule have them at interest only. Sometimes a bank will not let you into a deal on that scenario, depending on your income and your debt levels for example. In which case, if...

Percentage Point Split Now, remember the ‘rule of two’ does not work for commercial properties. When you are talking about valuations on a commercial property; the higher the rental yield, the higher the value on the property. But how do you tell whether a commercial property is...

Commercial property and the Rule of Two The next distinction to be made here is that this formula does not apply to commercial property. When you look at commercial property, your outgoings are normally paid by your tenant. Sometimes even your insurances are paid by your...
