Cash Positives in Lower Socioeconomic Areas CASH POSITIVE PURCHASING . .  .   WHERE TO FIND THEM AND HOW THEY    WORK Lower socioeconomic areas will tend to give you a higher yield than more prestigious areas. Lower socioeconomic areas will generally have a lower entry point for purchase,...

Strategies for Income Producing Properties That Really Work When analysing cash flow positive properties, you will find they come in two main categories: Direct Cash Positive Manufactured Cash Positiv Direct Cash Positive Direct Cash Positive are properties that, from the day you buy them, are earning you a...

Cycle of Increasing Rents What we are going through at the moment, is a cycle of increasing rents. You’re going to have interest rates slowly creeping up. You are going to have rents not just creeping up; they’re going to jump up, because what we’ve just...

Debt Levels It really depends on where you are at and where you are pitching yourself in the market and how much you are actually having to borrow to get into the market that gives you an amount of passive income. As you get older, as you...
